Are Capybaras Smelly

The capybara is one of the largest mammals in the world. It’s also known as a “water hog” because it spends so much time in the water. But what about their odor? Are capybaras smelly?

capybaras, swim

Capybaras do have a distinct odor that is similar to that of a muskrat or beaver

Capybaras do have a distinct odor that is similar to that of a muskrat or beaver. The odor is not bad nor offensive, but it’s definitely something you notice if you are around them often, yet it won’t be an issue for most people.

The reason for their very negligible smell is closely related to the fact that capybaras spend so much time in the water. They are aquatic animals with a thick coat of fur and natural oil in their fur that helps repel water. 

If you have questions about how to care for your pet capybara or want to learn more about what makes them such wonderful pets, you can find out more here.

Capybaras do not stink

To answer the question of whether or not capybaras stink, the answer is a resounding no. Capybaras do not stink and they are actually very clean animals. They have an enzyme in their saliva that keeps their teeth from rotting and they have special belly glands that moisten their fur by secreting oil over it.

Overall, capybaras do not stink. They have a musky odor that is similar to that of beavers or muskrats but it is not easy to notice it. While their smell may be unpleasant for some people, it’s important to remember that this is natural for capybaras and there are ways you can keep them from smelling too much in your home! If you want to learn more about how to take care of capybaras check also our capybara as pets page.

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